Monday, September 24, 2012

You will Die at Midnight

Nicola's beautiful wife is brutally murdered in the shower immediately after he discovers that she has been cheating on him. Naturally the police assume Nicola is responsible, but the possibility of another suspect becomes more and more likely...

Apparently produced for Italian TV, this is still a rather more bloody and perverse film than you’d get from US or UK TV stations, and it generally holds up pretty well. It’s pretty fast paced, directed with some style and there’s definitely a few standout moments (such as when on victim tries fending off the killer with an electric whisk – until she pull the cord out of the wall!). If you’re a fan of the giallo cycle, this is certainly one of the lesser entries but certainly worth checking out. However, as with any film in the genre, if you demand logical character interaction and believable endings, give it a miss!