Wedlock (originally known as Deadlock) is a 1991 American science fiction-action television film from HBO Films, directed by Lewis Teague and starring Rutger Hauer, Mimi Rogers, Joan Chen and James Remar. It received an Emmy Nomination for Sound Editing.
After stealing diamonds in a robbery, diamond thief Frank Warren is betrayed by his best friend Sam and his fiancée Noelle, who turns him into the authorities. Frank is sentenced to 12 years imprisonment at Camp Holliday, an experimental prison where each convict is given an electronic collar containing an explosive device which is electronically connected to another inmate. If any inmate tries to escape from Camp Holliday and is separated from the collar-mate by more than 100 yards, their collars will explode. Frank learns the inmate he is connected to is Tracey Rigg and Tracey and Frank both escape with their collars intact. On the run from the authorities, Tracey and Frank find they are being pursued by Sam and Noelle, believing Frank will lead them to the diamonds, which he has hidden. Can Frank and Tracey get to the diamonds without separating from each other more than 100 yards?
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