Sunday, September 20, 2020

The 40th Day: Celebration of Life- Macrine Nieva Jambalos Katague-Special Video


During Dave Katague Visit in Fair Oaks, California, 2016 ( The Three David Katagues) and Macrine

Today is the 40th day anniversary of Macrine J. Katague death-my spouse for over 63 years. On the fortieth day after death is the waksi, or death anniversary, when the soul is believed to end its earthly wandering and ascend to the afterlife.

This posting is a special video prepared by my nephew and namesake Dave Katague from Sydney, Australia. Dave is a video Producer/Editor at and a Video Ambassador at Panasonic Australia and had traveled all over the world because of his film making activities. Here's his video for your viewing pleasure. Again, thanks a million, my beloved nephew!

Also, my thanks to all ( more than 7K likes) in MI, Inc FB page who sent their condolences and messages via E-mail, cards, FB messages and telephone calls. Special thanks to the four friends and relatives who donated $600 to MI, Inc in Macrine's memory. A 12-part series on Macrine's Celebration of Life through her Favorite music is scheduled in the next few days. Watch for it.

Facebook Page of Marinduque International, Inc showing 6,997 LIKES and 83 Comments on the announcement of Macrine's Death on August 10, 2020

Here's Dave Katague Facebook  page for more information on his photography and film making activities

and his website


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